Introductory piece to the ideas and concepts that create a conflict between the individuality and freedom against generic data and number assignation as a means of control by the state in collusion with and by big business. Share your thoughts below!

Yeah I know what you mean. What's even more mind-bending is to realise that a lot of conspiracy theories are created by governments as a distraction away from stuff that is really going on (Area 51 being the prime example of that!). And the questions becomes... was the nanny-isation of the people by the state an accidental erosion of individual responsibility, or a long term planned method of subjugation of the masses?
These are the kind of questions I will really be exploring, rather than did man really walk on the moon? (although, for fun, I will also be looking at popular conspiracy theories as well!).
With regard to the conspiracy theories, i agree with some and other i have complete disregard for.
911 for example i don't think there was ever any government involvement at all, the Americans are so paranoid about being caught it's more than they dare do to be involved. The death of Princess Diana, yes. Sorry but that stinks of the establishment being involved for whatever reason they had.
As for being individuals in society, the blame for that being eroded away lies with the government from the early 90's, they created a nanny state where people didn't have to think for themselves or worry about certain things. Sadly over the years this has progressed to the level of ridiculousness we now find in society, getting back to how we used to be is going to be a very difficult task and i often wonder if it will ever happen in my time.