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Before the ThinkWORKS Podcast there was VoiceWorks... long before Podcasts were even a real thing. Here are a selection of them for you to check out. If you would like to discuss them further, please go to the Forum and post in there questions, queries and comments. I promise to respond.


Introduction to Education vs Learning and Why Change is a MUST - Darren Inform

Learning How To Learn is more important than being educated

The third in a series of introductory pieces that will be explored in more detail in future programmes, papers, books and lectures and other VoiceWorks. This edition introduces the idea that learning how to learn is a far more valuable skill than an education- both in the context of self and the wider success of a country's ability to compete on a global stage.


 Join a discussion in the VoiceWorks Forum Group at

Introduction to Identity & Freedom vs Security and Control - Darren Inform

Why being a free man is an ideal under attack

The second in a series of introductory pieces that will be explored in more detail in future programmes, papers, books and lectures and other VoiceWorks. This edition introduces the ideas behind the Conspiracy programme and explains why you should know what the powers that be really are up to and how it makes us all numbers.


 Join a discussion in the VoiceWorks Forum Group at

Introduction to the Role of Society in Influencing The Direction of Science - Darren Inform

Why we should all be interested in what science is doing now!

The first in a series of introductory pieces that will be explored in more detail in future programmes, papers, books and lectures and other VoiceWorks. This edition introduces the ideas behind the 50 Year Horizon programme and explains why you should know what our scientists are up to.


 Join a discussion in the VoiceWorks Forum Group at

The Role of the Manager in Breaking a Productivity Obsessed Culture - Darren Inform

The Role of the Manager in Breaking a Productivity Obsessed Culture​

Continuing on from last week's VoiceWorks, I expand upon the concept that an unhealthy obsession with productivity targets is damaging business, and the why and how this occurs and what we all- managers, workers, directors, entrepreneurs- can do about it. Links also in the Digital Nervous System VoiceWorks further down this page.


 Join a discussion in the VoiceWorks Forum Group at

Our Unhealthy Obsession With Productivity - Darren Inform

Our Unhealthy Obsession with Productivity

My first VoiceWorks in a while is a relative short one but expresses frustration that we are once again obsessing about productivity and in our drive to hit the target, we miss the point. Join a discussion in the VoiceWorks Forum Group at

00:00 / 04:44

The DNS and what it means


In the mid 1990s, just as IBMs OS/2 platform was finally starting to pay dividends and the long awaited Microsoft Windows 4 and NT 5 were once again delayed, Bill Gates began formulating his concept of “the digital nervous system”. Microsoft led so heavily on the idea that corporations were asking where they could “buy this DNS from”, but it wasn’t until 1999 when Gates crystalised the idea in his book “Business at the speed of thought” that people realised that it wasn’t a product at all, but a concept, an ambition that one day might be fulfiled through technology.

Now, some 15 years after it was first thought up, the technology to deliver a true DNS is here- and not all of it from Microsoft. But, what is it? Why can it benefit your business? What shifts will it create inside your organisation? Who are the major players? And will it really help your business become more successful if implemented correctly than if you don’t implement it at all?

Darren Smithson, long time Microsoft adversary and sometimes advocate, reveals the history and future of the DNS and how it relates to business today, looking at the major tools and platforms available to assist in creating a viable strategy and solution for your business

00:00 / 04:59
00:00 / 04:38

Holding Out For A Hero: Self-Motivation without the Psychobabble Part 1.


This is a short recap of the themes I discussed as the keynote speaker to award winning students about to go out into the big wide world!

00:00 / 04:57

Holding Out For A Hero: Self-Motivation without the Psychobabble Part 2.


This is a short recap of the themes I discussed as the keynote speaker to award winning students about to go out into the big wide world!

00:00 / 04:53

The Ten Minute Manager Part 1.


By and large, managers can often feel out of their depth, mostly because we simply don't train individuals to become managers. So we try through trial and error and generally think that management is about telling people what to do. It isn't. This VoiceWorks gives 5 simple distinctions that you can use to become a better, more effective manager.

00:00 / 04:58

The Ten Minute Manager Part 2.


By and large, managers can often feel out of their depth, mostly because we simply don't train individuals to become managers. So we try through trial and error and generally think that management is about telling people what to do. It isn't. This VoiceWorks gives 5 simple distinctions that you can use to become a better, more effective manager.

00:00 / 12:35

The Truth About Search Engine Optimisation


Think SEO is a black art that you need to pay a small fortune to someone else to do for you? Think again. Most SEO work takes about 1 hour a week to do and you can do it yourself. Find out how you can save yourself fees and still move up so search engine rankings by listening to this VoiceWORKS

00:00 / 05:00

Has Einstein Been Proved Wrong?


This audio blog was recorded when the announcement was first given huge coverage. In it I explained why the scientists were wrong, a view later proven when the experiment was revealed to be flawed.


Neutrinos - sub atomic particles, recreated in experiments, seem to have zipped faster than light from CERN, near Geneva, Switzerland, to the OPERA detector at the Gran Sasso lab near L'Aquila, Italy. Conceptually, it's a simple result: neutrinos made the 730-kilometre journey 60 nanoseconds faster than they would have if they were travelling at light speed.

Einstein's theory of relativity says nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so is Einstein wrong, or has something else occurred?

00:00 / 16:35

The 5 Principals of Organisational Success Parts 1 & 2


This was the last of the VoiceWorks I prepared before I woke up one morning unable to get out of bed- not from an over indulgent night on the town either! No, this was when it became clear that I had something seriously wrong neurologically speaking. But that's another story! So here it is, unchanged sound wise and ready for your ears. This VoiceWorks basically covers some foundational building blocks for any organisation.

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